What is “Right Sizing” in AWS and Why is it Important?

AWS (Amazon Web Services) is a popular cloud computing platform that provides a wide range of services to businesses of all sizes. While the flexibility and scalability of AWS makes it a valuable asset for many organizations, it can also lead to the inefficient use of resources if not managed properly. This is where "right sizing" comes in. Why Right Sizing is Important Right sizing is the process of optimizing the use of AWS resources to ensure that you are paying for what you actually need, and not overspending on unnecessary resources. Regular AWS usage right sizing discussions are necessary for tech organizations for several reasons. Cost optimization: One of the primary reasons to right size your AWS usage is… Continue reading What is “Right Sizing” in AWS and Why is it Important?

Diffusion of Responsibility in a Scrum Team

Diffusion of responsibility is a phenomenon that can occur in any work setting including on a Scrum team where each team member feels that they are not individually responsible for the outcome of the product they are working on and thus they may not put in their best effort. It can show up in any meeting accompanied by long silences when questions are asked by a Product Owner, Scrum Master or perhaps a senior developer who takes on more than their fair share of the work. In a remote world, this problem can easily be compounded by keeping cameras off in meetings. This can easily become a destructive anti-pattern in a Scrum team because it can lead to decreased accountability, reduced motivation, and ultimately a decrease in team performance.

Caelish Fairy Tale #1 – The Legend of Juan Julian

Once, there was a gentle young boy named Juan Julian who was the son of a famous sword smith in the city of Gorzova. Juan was a good boy with a kind heart, who always did what his mother and father told him. Juan's father, being wealthy, owned a large plot of land where his livestock roamed and seemed happy enough. Juan liked to talk to the animals as he fed them, as his father told him that even though they don't understand him, it makes them happier when he treated them kindly. Of course, the animals never talked back, but that didn't bother Juan Julian.

The Importance of Change

the importance of change

Change is inevitable. It’s a part of life that we cannot avoid, no matter how hard we try. It can be difficult to embrace, especially if it involves significant life changes like starting a new job, moving to a new city, or having a child. It's chaotic by nature. But, as Petyr Baelish in Game of Thrones famously said, "chaos is a ladder." Change forces us to adapt and overcome a certain amount of stress in order to reach a new equilibrium. Change is often hard to endure, but it can lead to positive outcomes, especially if you lean into it.

Mourning – five years later

Five years ago today, we got the news. I was at work and just settling into my cubicle with my first cup of coffee when I received a call from my sister Jenny. Knowing that Jenny didn't call very often, especially when she knew I was working, I had a bad feeling in my gut that would be justified in the first seconds of answering the call. "Matt's dead."