3 New Years Resolution Ideas for Scrum Teams

I know what you're thinking. It's almost the new year and that means it's almost the beginning of a new 365 day sprint in your life. We often think of New Years Resolutions for our personal lives, but what about at work? Along with setting those goals for yourself for the new year, why not also resolve to help take your Scrum team to the next level?

Three Controversial Terms Associated with Scrum

controversial scrum terms

With how widespread Scrum is today, it's hard to believe that the first Scrum Guide was only published in 2010. Not only that, but the Agile Manifesto itself was only signed in 2001. With practices this new, there are bound to be hiccups along the way. Let's take a brief look at three controversial terms that are associated with Scrum - one icky term that was in the guide at one point, one unintentionally insensitive term used unofficially by many teams, and one term that I predict will one day be the focus of additional controversy.

Tips for Being Successful at Remote Work (Insert Yourself!)

remote worker

No matter how much traditional managers wish it wasn't so - remote work is here to stay. Gone are the days where jobseekers have to live in the highest cost of living areas in order to have the best paying jobs. This new paradigm not only benefits workers, but also businesses. It allows for employers to cast a much larger hiring net further than ever before, and having a more diverse workforce has been proven to benefit the company's bottom line. As a worker, the benefits are obvious - better job opportunities, lower gas spending, better work/life balance, etc., but there are also downsides. Namely, there is often less of the valuable face to face time with managers and coworkers that helps bolster chances to network and move up in the company. Below are some tips for standing out in a remote world.

History of the Saibhrean Isles – Part II

Saibhrean Isles

The Daoine Farraige people were now home, and there they would remain undisturbed for several centuries, free to expand and distinguish themselves into different geographical clans. The autonomy of the Daoine Farraige people would eventually be challenged as the Torians came to annex the rogue states, but before that ever happened the Daoine Farraige would create their own system of government seperate from Torian rule.