“Jewel of the North” – Song from the World of El Tor

"Jewel of the North"

Though eye did see and heart did know
The sting of losses too great to show
When Old Shalona and Ismar fell
And too late did ring poor Aston's bells
Yet the brave King his men did call
And I, your knight, with arms and all
My love for thee, o twinkling gem
Shined through the trees, your diadem

Though demons prowled the roads of dread
And darkness fell where they did tread
Trampled flowers and trampled fields
Tremendous strength they did so wield
Yet bravely did King Ávalos rally
His troops and tramps through the valley
Outnumbered we, one to five
We made our stand and gave our lives

And at the hour most uncertain
The Sun shone through a golden curtain
For alas from Western boundaries
Came hillrunners and horses through the trees
King of Olenos, his army did reprieve
Vestillan soldiers, our hopes retrieved
And on they cut into the night
Claiming vict'ry, our Northern rite

And when the morning light was bare
Reflecting in the waters clear
The Jewel of the North still stands
And demons now have left our lands,
They met the ground with their feet
Surely spelling their defeat
Now brothers we the North are born
The Torian North forever sworn