Euric and Bulgar – Legendary Bowmen

Of the Ten Saints of the first company of the First Son who went forth to vanquish the demons from the land, there were many skilled warriors who fought in that crusade. Among them were two of the best bowmen of that age, Euric and Bulgar. Rivals in name only, these friends held each other in the highest regard long before the First Son ever came to the White Walled City. Though their friendship would ultimately meet a tragic end, they dedicated their lives to the service of the First Son, successfully joining seven excursions into the wilderness before their journey ended. To this day, aspiring archers pray for the inspiration of Saint Euric and Saint Bulgar as they hone their skill.

The Archers of Colena

Approximately 120 miles upriver from Casa Buraca, past other small settlements of Esken and Cinoca, lies an unassuming little town called Colena. Nestled on a hill in the mountain valley, Colena traces its roots back to the expeditions out of the White Walled City. The history of exactly who the first settlers to the area were are not recorded locally, and the town's remote location between mountains too tall to traverse offers little evidence as well. Because of the geographical distance between it and any major hold on the peninsula, Colena's origins are vague in public records as well.