3 Tips for Finding Sources of Creative Inspiration

We've all been there before. We get into our creative place, set aside plenty of time for ourselves, and then we freeze. Often times this leads to distraction, and then before we know it we lose track of time and ultimately end up with nothing to show for it. We walk away frustrated, knowing we floundered when we could have been focusing for all that time. We get too caught up in our own head and then we have nothing to show for it. We begin to doubt ourselves and end up worse for the wear. So, what can we do to avoid falling into this trap? For starters, it helps to be prepared before ever getting into our creative space. Here's a few tips on how you can prepare yourself with plenty of sources of inspiration when there are just none to be found.

Should You Use Music to Fuel Your Creativity?

Have you ever gotten to the point where you know it's time to create something, but when you set about doing it, you can't find the right inspiration? If you're a writer, maybe the right words don't seem to be coming to you. If you're an artist, maybe you're having trouble painting that first stroke or finding the first shape in a sculpture. Maybe you're a musician, and no riffs are coming together for your song. Taking the first steps to create are always the hardest. Once you're in the zone, the momentum can easily carry you through, but getting there is the real challenge. Do you have a method that works best to get you started? If you don't already use music to get you in the right mood for your work, then maybe it's time you did.

Be Thankful for Every Step You’ve Taken!

Sometimes it hurts to look back and see things of which you are not particularly proud. As a creative person, it can be so hard to appreciate the work done in an earlier stage in your development. You look upon that work with veteran eyes, nitpicking any elements you made that you would do differently now in retrospect. Sometimes you become ashamed of it and want to hide it. After all, it doesn't represent who you are now, right?

A Balancing Act

Happiness is the one everyone likes to refer to when talking about the importance of balance, right? I mean, that goes for everything in our own little worlds. "You need to find a work/life balance." "You need to stop working so hard and do things you enjoy." "You need to get off your lazy butt and go find a job." If it was as easy as balancing work and life, then I think we'd have a lot less depression in our society. But no, it goes way, way deeper than that.