Afterlife in the World of El Tor

There are two major schools of thought when it comes to the subject of death: the Torian belief in passing into a spectral plane of existence and the Warathi belief that the dead become a part of the living world. There are similarities between the two belief systems, but they are primarily distinct from one another. Some areas in the world have small differences within each belief system, such as the popular belief in an underworld in some parts of the Saibhrean Isles, or reincarnation in parts of the Warathi world.

A Sonnet from the Saibhrean Isles

Unlike the academics in the Caelon peninsula and in Torium who are primarily confined to their respective colleges, the bards of the Saibhrean Isles north and west of Caelon play more of an active role with the politics of the islands. They are chroniclers, scribes and satirists for their lords, the great Trade Barons. Not only do they entertain, usually by praising the lords they serve and cursing those who cross them, but they are also tasked with recording the history of their houses. They are an integral part of Saibhrean society and their caste is highly regarded throughout the islands, even if that sentiment does not extend to the main land.

The Missing History of Man

In the First Book, it's well established the events that led to the disappearance of the First Son and the self-unmaking of the First Woman in her grief. Warathi people believe that the man who dubbed himself Wa'rath the Conqueror was the true First Son returned. He who led the successful purge of the demons of the land, ultimately returned again to claim the seat of the Ascended Father in the Holy City, casting out all who would not internalize his way before starting his vicious rule of the land. This is all well known and a terrible part of our history. What is not known or well documented is what attempts to reclaim the land were made prior to Wa'rath the Conqueror's arrival. If only we could gain access to the annals of history held within the white and black walls, perhaps it would shed light on some of the greatest mysteries of our day.

Clerical Conversations (Second Letter)

The following text is continued correspondence between Professor Cesario de Torium and his counterpart in Caelon, Professor Recamundus de Gelgadongo. Both men are leading clerics in their respective academies, and their rivalry in poetry and poetic discourse lives on long after they both die as friends to a bitter end. The letter contained here is written by Prof. Cesario in response to the first letter from Prof. Recamundus concerning the heroic portrayal of the villain Ranemiro who was known for raiding wealthy caravans in his day.

Marriage and Love in the World of El Tor

To discuss marriage as an institution on the peninsula of Caelon, one must first understand there are two vastly different cultures that have their own unique customs and practices when it comes to marriage. In general, Torian customs are patrilineal, the House name is passed on through the male and the female adopts the name and the home of her husband. In contrast, Warathi culture is not always patrilineal; more value is placed on the family names, so if a man marries a woman of a higher family status, he will often take on the name of his wife's house. There are many other distinctions between the two cultures as well.