The Gifted Wars – 32 Years of Bitter Feuds (Part II)

As mentioned in Part I, the Gifted Wars was a period of time during the formative years of the settlements of the peninsula of Caelon during the early years of the Age of Kings. Before the conflicts started arising between the fledgling settlements and the Torian seat of power in the White Walled City, the country had seen a period of peaceful exploration and reclamation, thanks to the efforts of the First Son, his Ten Saints and the crusaders who vanquished the demons who prowled the land. Although the earliest conflict in the Gifted Wars happened as part of an uprising against the Torian command, many of the battles that were fought during these three bloody decades were not directly against the Torians at all. Perhaps one of the most famous cases involves a failed betrothal between two of the largest settlements of that time, known now as Ismar and Shalona.

The Gifts – Magic in the World of El Tor

The World of El Tor holds many secrets, tucked away among the scattered remnants of the world that once was. Many of the mysteries lurk in dark places, sealed in impenetrable walls and not likely to ever see the light of day. Some wonders of the past have been hidden in plain sight, marvels of the ancient world now intermingling with modern architecture as man reclaimed the remnants of a fallen world. While the true value of these time-lost constructs may never be understood by modern man, one aspect of the past has returned in a way that could threaten the balance of a fragile world. Gifts and Curses Long ago, when man walked in the presence of the Creator,… Continue reading The Gifts – Magic in the World of El Tor