#TBT – “Food Challenge – Gefilte Fish”

Okay, looking back at this one, it has to be one of my all-time favorite food challenges to watch. I feel like it has a great blend of humor and disgust, all balled up and sealed in a jar for your entertainment. The gefilte fish really wasn't that bad, all things considered, but I wouldn't go out of my way to eat it again.

#TBT – “Wiggle Murphy Returns”

This one hurts to watch. Not just because of how cringey my acting was, but because I had to do a LOT of takes getting slapped in the face to get this right. This one was done in my sophomore year of college, at Columbia College Chicago. We called our corner of the University Center "the Bat Cave," and you can see the sign right at the very beginning. Pat Knerr walking in is definitely my favorite part of this video.