Recovered Texts of Lost Civilizations – Part 2 – Ancient Swords

Among the other mysteries that have been alluded to within the recovered texts of the ancients, diagrams of fantastic weaponry have been discovered in many settlements. Swords, especially, have been used in artwork of all kinds that were left behind when the world's people were lost in the Fall. But for as prevalent as the depictions of the swords have been, very few swords of that era remain. The few swords that have survived over the millennia are typically treated as heirlooms, locked away within royal vaults, not to be used in actual combat due to fears of value being lost, even if the swords have demonstrated remarkable longevity. The secret of how these swords were originally made remains lost, but some believe the answer lies within the mountain city of Vestilla, where ancient mines long sealed off from the outside world were used to extract precious metals that may have been used in the original production of the swords.