
“Waves Will Bring You Home” – Song by the Sea Bard

One of the most famous contemporary songwriters of the Age of Kings was Siacas Donn, a traveling bard from the Saibhrean Isles. Known for his melancholy songs sung in his signature dulcet tone, Siacas often included themes about water and the sea in his work. This earned him the colloquial moniker "the sea bard" in the mainland, a title he carried with him even in the isles, where he was most prolific. While perhaps not as famous as some other bards such as Bróccan, and often criticized for his refusal to adhere to clerical guidelines for proper poetry, Siacas ultimately earned his place in history as the writer of the anthem and the chronicles of the War of the Broken Seal. In this, one of his earliest yet most fondly praised songs, he describes a dear friend who passed away and the apparent mark he made on Siacas' life.

Should You Use Music to Fuel Your Creativity?

Have you ever gotten to the point where you know it's time to create something, but when you set about doing it, you can't find the right inspiration? If you're a writer, maybe the right words don't seem to be coming to you. If you're an artist, maybe you're having trouble painting that first stroke or finding the first shape in a sculpture. Maybe you're a musician, and no riffs are coming together for your song. Taking the first steps to create are always the hardest. Once you're in the zone, the momentum can easily carry you through, but getting there is the real challenge. Do you have a method that works best to get you started? If you don't already use music to get you in the right mood for your work, then maybe it's time you did.

The Gifted Wars – 32 Years of Bitter Feuds (Part IV)

The second major conflict of the era known as the Gifted Wars came about due to the failed betrothal of young Magia Moro of Ismar to Hannibal II, lord of Shalona. When Magia fled with Hannibal's son Hanin, they left behind a bewildered house, unable to explain their disappearances. Relations quickly failed between the two cities, eventually culminating in attacks on caravans from Shalona to nearby Renia, carried out by agents of Ismar.

The Forces in Your Life and What You Write

I don't have to tell you that we live in "interesting times," and I'm not writing to preach to you about the events that happened yesterday in our nation's capital. In a time such as ours, you already get enough of that from other sources, and I'm certain you have your own opinion on the matter. With that said, we all still have to live here, in this time. For those of us who create, whether it be writing or art or music, the things that happen around us often bear a heavy influence on the things we make. Should we allow these forces to influence us in those ways, or should we pretend they don't exist as we create?

The Gifted Wars – 32 Years of Bitter Feuds (Part III)

Directly following the flight of the lordlings described in Part II (Part I here), panic fell upon the House of Alren in Shalona. With no hint of the whereabouts of 13 year old Magia Moro of Ismar, who was betrothed to Hannibal II, the lord of Shalona, as well as Hannibal II's third son of 15 years, Hanin, the situation quickly grew tense. What would follow in the wake of their disappearance would ultimately lead to the feuds that would fuel the fire of what we now know as The Gifted Wars.