You Should Be the Leader the World Needs Right Now

Maybe you have found yourself coming to an unfortunate realization: It seems like leaders are hard to come by these days. Perhaps you feel like the people in charge are only driven by selfish reasons, and they really don't have your best interest at heart. Especially at a time of great upheaval and uncertainty, it's hard to put your faith in your appointed leaders when you have been let down so many times in the past. But real leaders are out there, and if you're not already following one that you feel you can trust with your whole heart, then you should really consider being that person yourself.

The Great Debate: Instant Binge vs. Weekly Episodes

Like you, I grew up on television. That meant that every week, the shows I followed would come around at a set interval – once a week at the same time every week. Cable and network television has been this way for a very long time, and until TiVo and streaming services came around, that was just the way you had to deal with watching your favorite shows. We started getting more power over not only when we watch our favorite shows, but how much of them we watch at time. We’re in control now, but is that really a good thing?

Can Scrum really be used to write novels?

I began this blog as a way to express myself and unashamedly build a platform for my future writing. I understand that even if I write the best books ever made, if no one buys them, then it'll be like I wrote nothing at all. So I thought I had found a good outlet to discuss the ongoing project of writing a book, as well as the process itself. One of the thoughts I had while writing was about how each of us contend with different forces inside our own heads as we write. I considered how there were some days when I would be thinking all about my world or about how I can improve a scene or a character in some way, and then when I sat down to write it, I couldn't find the motivation. So even though I wanted to write, I couldn't because of a little voice in my head telling me not to do it.