Sprint Review (Web Comic)

Sprint Review is an informal meeting held at the end of the Sprint where the increment is presented to promote the collaboration and obtain the customer's feedback on the developed product. It is mainly conducted to 'Inspect' the Increment and 'Adapt' the Product Backlog if required. The Sprint Review is not the time to nitpick the team's processes; that is supposed to happen at the Sprint Retrospective meeting later on.

End of a Sprint, Beginning of a Journey – Web Comic

All sprints come to an end. After a set period of time, the sprint will come to a close and the team will review the work done in the sprint, and then reflect on the things that went right and the things that went wrong in the sprint. A new sprint begins as soon as the current sprint ends. Every sprint should be able to produce something immediately usable.

Story Assignment – Web Comic

In Scrum, it's important that developers communicate when they are working on stories. (Stories are the fully-broken down chunks of work that are put into the Sprint Backlog.) When a developer starts working on a story, they need to indicate in some way that they have assigned themselves that work, or else there is a risk that another developer might start working on the same story without knowing it's already being worked.