Four Personality Types and How to Get Along with (Almost) Everyone

Have you ever been in a situation where you speak clearly to someone else, and they take it the wrong way? Has this caused tension in your relationships before? Have you found that there are just some people who you instantly get along with, while with others it seems like you are speaking two different languages?

How to Write a Great Best Man’s Speech

So you were asked to be the Best Man at an upcoming wedding. First off, congratulations! By being chosen as the Best Man, you have agreed that you are, indeed, the best man for the job. Hopefully you are aware, however, that it’s a job that requires you to prove to everyone why you were chosen. The biggest, most important task of the Best Man during the wedding reception, of course, is the speech you have to give to all of the people there. And you better knock ‘em dead because all eyes are on you. But don’t fret, I’ve got you covered.

Title: A Short Essay About Composition

Behold the opening sentence or group of sentences that draws the reader's attention using vivid imagery and action verbs. If used correctly, the second sentence or group continues the same energy as the first sentence, while gently leading the reader toward the ultimate goal of the first paragraph or group of paragraphs: pushing the reader to the thesis of the essay while getting them to buy in early to what profound thing will be stated in terms the target audience can easily understand. The thesis of the essay needs to be the essence of the entire essay compressed into a single thought, needs to define the scope of the essay, and all topics brought up should allude back to this… Continue reading Title: A Short Essay About Composition