Reasons for Building the World of El Tor

It should be no secret what things have influenced my worldbuilding for Caelon and the surrounding area. Everything that resembles the history of the real world, especially in medieval Spain, as well as Ireland and other European countries, was intentionally used as a model for the world I have been sculpting for the last two years. I wanted to take the backdrop of something familiar so that it would feel welcoming to certain cultures who might one day read my work, but more importantly I wanted, and still want, to achieve a few goals.

Title: A Short Essay About Composition

Behold the opening sentence or group of sentences that draws the reader's attention using vivid imagery and action verbs. If used correctly, the second sentence or group continues the same energy as the first sentence, while gently leading the reader toward the ultimate goal of the first paragraph or group of paragraphs: pushing the reader to the thesis of the essay while getting them to buy in early to what profound thing will be stated in terms the target audience can easily understand. The thesis of the essay needs to be the essence of the entire essay compressed into a single thought, needs to define the scope of the essay, and all topics brought up should allude back to this… Continue reading Title: A Short Essay About Composition

A Balancing Act

Happiness is the one everyone likes to refer to when talking about the importance of balance, right? I mean, that goes for everything in our own little worlds. "You need to find a work/life balance." "You need to stop working so hard and do things you enjoy." "You need to get off your lazy butt and go find a job." If it was as easy as balancing work and life, then I think we'd have a lot less depression in our society. But no, it goes way, way deeper than that.

Taking and repurposing

One of the key things I realized when I started building the world and structuring the stories for my book series was that I needed to do a lot more reading. Books I had put off reading for one reason or another for a long time now seemed more important than ever to consume. My wording of the first draft was weaker than I had hoped, but I knew that it ultimately didn't matter as it was just a first draft.