EverCraft Online: EverQuest Meets Minecraft

EverCraft Online
One of the many diverse locations in Adrullan, the land of EverCraft Online.

If you told me years ago that one day the timeless magic contained within the original EverQuest would one day be recaptured and placed in a world as expansive and varied as the landscapes of Minecraft, I would have told you that you, sir, have my attention. If you are like me, then rejoice, for I come bearing wonderful news.

Introducing… EverCraft Online.

While there are many massively multiplayer online roleplaying games (MMORPGs) that draw inspiration from the magic that EverQuest captured, very few of them are so bold as to return to the classic look and feel of the original game that debuted in 1999. Originally developed by Verant Interactive and 989 Studios for Windows PCs and still running today under Daybreak Game Company, the game spawned several expansions, sequels and spin-offs in its prime, most notably EverQuest II which competed directly with World of Warcraft, the most successful mmorpg of all time.

EverCraft Online, the new game by h1ddentree Entertainment, sports low-res but beautiful voxel-style graphics and a simplified user interface that intentionally mirrors the 23 year old EverQuest. In fact, nearly every facet of the game was created as an homage to the game which still holds a special place in the hearts of so many gamers in their thirties and forties. EverCraft Online will appeal not only to these old school PC gamers, but also to a brand new audience who may never have gotten the chance to be a part of such a truly special gaming experience.

I am personally very excited about this game. When I first found out about it, I immediately dove in to find out whatever I could about the progress of the game. After joining the official Discord channel and talking with the development team – all of them as big of fans of EverQuest as I am – I knew that this project would be something special. EverQuest was a big part of my childhood, so I reached out to the designers on Discord to see if I could be involved and after a good discussion, I am happy to say that I’m now a contributor for the project, primarily in the lore development for the game.

The team is full of people just like me – easy-going, friendly and skilled people who want to be involved simply out of love for the project and its potential. The Discord server is also full of people who are equally passionate about playing the game. Just recently, the development team opened up the servers for an Alpha testing weekend, in which many people joyfully created their character and got just a taste of the gameplay that continues to be developed rapidly.

Early alpha testers gathered for a picture outside of Leont, the main Human starting city in the game.

I hope to continue to be involved with EverCraft Online and its further development as I have availability. I’ve already had quite a lot of fun developing some of the background lore for the inhabitants of the world, and as time goes on I hope to get to spend more time on creating quests and even designing dungeons or cities in the future.

I’m thrilled to watch EverCraft Online continue to be developed and I cannot wait until the world is ready for launch. While no launch date has been set, if you want to learn more about EverCraft Online, please visit evercraftonline.com or join me and many others on the highly active Discord server to join in on the conversation.

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