The Apostate Saint: Chapter 9 – Hospitality

As the exquisite food filled his belly and the wine washed out the remainder of his feelings of failure, Fridok allowed himself to celebrate. Perhaps he had been too hard on himself, thinking that the only acceptable place was first place. The end result was the same as if he had won everything, after all. He would still get to prove his worth to the Son. He still would be counted as one of the best swordsmen in the city. He would still get to finally have a chance to crawl out of the hole he had known all of his life. Mother, if you could see me now.

The Apostate Saint: Chapter 8 – A Lively Feast

The feast was already in its early stages about an hour and a half after the final competition had completed. The Son had extended the invitation to dine to all immediate families of the day's competitors. Even though that cast a wide net for a potentially integrated crowd, the audience still looked an awful lot like a typical elite gathering in the City. Everything from the servants offering fresh fruit and libations to the entertainers scattered throughout the gardens where the event was taking place screamed upper class private gathering. At least there was music. Alaric would have preferred to be among the musicians rather than being overwhelmed by all of the well-wishers and social climbers now bombarding him with niceties.

The Apostate Saint: Chapter 7 – The Broken

Just like that, the only thing in Fridok's life that mattered to him was gone. He held the pieces of the blade in his hands, staring at them in disbelief. The registrar was right - Fridok was sold a poorly made weapon. What a fool he had been. All of the coins he had starved himself to stash away for so many years might as well have been thrown over the wall. The blade had failed when he needed it most. He lost, and now, despite the fact that the Son had taken pity on him, his inclusion was a consolation and nothing more. He was a warrior without a weapon, and outside of charity, there would be no way for him to afford another.

History of the Saibhrean Isles – Part II

Saibhrean Isles

The Daoine Farraige people were now home, and there they would remain undisturbed for several centuries, free to expand and distinguish themselves into different geographical clans. The autonomy of the Daoine Farraige people would eventually be challenged as the Torians came to annex the rogue states, but before that ever happened the Daoine Farraige would create their own system of government seperate from Torian rule.

Euric and Bulgar – Legendary Bowmen

Of the Ten Saints of the first company of the First Son who went forth to vanquish the demons from the land, there were many skilled warriors who fought in that crusade. Among them were two of the best bowmen of that age, Euric and Bulgar. Rivals in name only, these friends held each other in the highest regard long before the First Son ever came to the White Walled City. Though their friendship would ultimately meet a tragic end, they dedicated their lives to the service of the First Son, successfully joining seven excursions into the wilderness before their journey ended. To this day, aspiring archers pray for the inspiration of Saint Euric and Saint Bulgar as they hone their skill.