(Fantasy) “Just a Peasant Girl” a Sonnet from the Saibhrean Isles

(Fantasy) Bróccan the Bard, perhaps the most well-known traveling poet in the world, often used his renown to be able to approach subjects in his work that other less-known poets would have had trouble performing due to some of the taboo nature of the subject matter. However, because of his reputation and his charismatic approach to storytelling, Bróccan was often able to broach these subjects with relative impunity from would-be critics.

A Sonnet from the Saibhrean Isles

Unlike the academics in the Caelon peninsula and in Torium who are primarily confined to their respective colleges, the bards of the Saibhrean Isles north and west of Caelon play more of an active role with the politics of the islands. They are chroniclers, scribes and satirists for their lords, the great Trade Barons. Not only do they entertain, usually by praising the lords they serve and cursing those who cross them, but they are also tasked with recording the history of their houses. They are an integral part of Saibhrean society and their caste is highly regarded throughout the islands, even if that sentiment does not extend to the main land.