Clerical Conversations (Fifth Letter)

The following is the latest in an ongoing communication between two clerics, Professor Cesario de Torium and Professor Recamundus de Gelgadongo. Most recently, the gauntlet has been thrown off and the pleasantries of their profession have all but disappeared, leaving only scarcely concealed candor. What started as a request by Prof. Recamundus for Prof. Cesario to denounce his poem that painted a criminal, in the land of Caelon near Prof. Recamundus, in a somewhat sympathetic light, now has devolved to spiteful critiques of each other's character and body of work.

Second Excerpt from “Cantar del Primer Hijo”

The first encounter with the First Son in the White Walled City was reportedly very short-lived. Many people had hoped that his arrival would usher in a new era, with him taking the throne that the First Man once sat upon. However, this was a short-lived hope, as he bore his true intentions of his arrival: he needed soldiers to help him in a new war to reclaim the hellscape from the demons.

Pirates of the Mar de Comercio

The Saibhrean Isles are well known for their trade routes that extend to both sides of the Torian-Warathi conflict, even if officially they relate more with the Torians of Caelon. The commercial neutrality that they have established has elevated the lords of the isles to the status of so called trade barons, injecting the isles with an impressive economy unlike other kingdoms. Any endeavor so rewarding is not without its fair share of risks. For the Saibhrean Isles, pirates present the greatest risks to their trade routes.

Clerical Conversations (Fourth Letter)

The following letter is part of an ongoing conversation between two clerics, Professor Recamundus de Gelgadongo and Professor Cesario de Torium. The correspondence, which began as a rebuke of the work of a poem by Prof. Cesario for being too dangerous for laymen consumption, has shifted to direct attacks on each other's bodies of work.

Vestilla and Olenos – A Complicated Relationship Between Two Kingdoms

The two most powerful kingdoms in Northern Caelon, Vestilla in the mountains and Olenos in the Western hills, have a long and storied relationship that includes alliances and troubles alike. Until the Battle of Gelgadongo, it was uncertain whether the two kingdoms could put aside their differences long enough to stand together against the encroaching Warathi forces. The following is a brief history of the two Kingdoms.