(Fantasy) Clerical Conversations (Eighth Letter)

The annual clerical summit of Becio has come and gone. For the first time, the event was held in Northern Becio, the side of the twin city more friendly toward the Saibhrean Isles merchants. In an unprecedented move, the hosts gave equal time to the bards of the Isles that they gave to the academic clerics. Because of this, the bitter rivals Professor Cesario de Torium and Professor Recamundus de Gelgadongo managed to find common ground after months of spiteful rhetoric tossed back and forth. Below is the first communication between the two clerics after their fateful meeting that would mark the very beginning of their friendship which lasted the rest of their lives.

The Only 3 Actions to Take When You See a Post You Don’t Like on Facebook

Can you believe the nerve of that person? How can they even think they are anywhere near correct about their opinion, when they post something THAT radical on Facebook? Clearly, this is a good example of how the media corrupts minds to fulfill an agenda. No sane person rooted in the same reality in which you live would EVER think something like that was honestly a good thing to do. It's pure evil, that's what it is. So, what should you do? Here are the only three actions you must take to deal with these kinds of posts, followed by the number one thing you should NEVER do.

(Fantasy) The Importance of Puerto de La Casias

While the City of Vestilla is easily one of the most defensible fortresses in the entirety of Caelon due to its location settled high in the northern mountains, it must be said that much of its current success as a kingdom relies on the port to the northwest, the town known as La Casias. Until the unification of the lordships under King Francisco Ávalos I described here, La Casias thrived due to its geography, easily becoming one of the most powerful houses in the region now known as the Kingdom of Vestilla. Positioned on the coast of the Mar de Comercio and reachable only by sea and through a pass in the mountains far too narrow for an army to easily pass through, the town has thrived for hundreds of years under the Nadario family, the first dwellers in the specific region post-reclamation.

(Video) #TBT – “Will You Marry Me?

This is the video that started Fiesta Studios. I really don't know where the idea came from, aside from the fact that I thought it would be funny to improvise some reactions from James because I thought he was a pretty funny dude. His dad walked in at one point, so we had to explain to him what we were doing. Sometimes you just have an idea and you have to do it, not thinking of any kind of scrutiny that might be involved. For some people, that's the mark of their genius. For us, it was... whatever this is. Still, a lot of fun, and I deliberately re-used the format when I rebooted Fiesta Studios with Andy and Danny years later.