Writing Basics: Plot and Subplot

Often times, we use the word plot when discussing stories, but the term is not always used correctly. All stories have plots - that's what makes them stories and not just character studies or events in the life of characters. Plots carry the story from beginning to middle to end, hopefully in a satisfactory way. But what about subplots? How do we describe subplots and what role do they play in stories? Here's a handy guide for you to consider.

The Gifts – Magic in the World of El Tor

The World of El Tor holds many secrets, tucked away among the scattered remnants of the world that once was. Many of the mysteries lurk in dark places, sealed in impenetrable walls and not likely to ever see the light of day. Some wonders of the past have been hidden in plain sight, marvels of the ancient world now intermingling with modern architecture as man reclaimed the remnants of a fallen world. While the true value of these time-lost constructs may never be understood by modern man, one aspect of the past has returned in a way that could threaten the balance of a fragile world. Gifts and Curses Long ago, when man walked in the presence of the Creator,… Continue reading The Gifts – Magic in the World of El Tor

Writing Basics: Active Voice vs. Passive Voice

As writers, we must always stay vigilant about keeping our readers engaged. If the audience becomes bored of our writing, we run the risk of losing them all together. Whether we write fiction or non-fiction, the best way we can do this is by maintaining the use of active voice in our sentences. In order to do this, we must firmly understand the difference between the active voice and the passive voice. By identifying the subject of each sentence, we can determine whether it uses the active voice or the passive voice.

New Blog Format & Schedule – Focus on Writing

Hello friends! I am happy to report that my book Oro Goro is now in proper status to allow some Alpha readers. You will likely recall that I used to post this book, one chapter at a time, to my blog each Friday. I have learned a lesson by doing this, and thus have hidden all of these posts. While I thought the posts were decent enough for a first draft, I realized that there was much more to the story that needed to be told once I began revisions. I have added several chapters and have fixed much on the other chapters that existed in the first draft. Now, the book is only available to be read as a… Continue reading New Blog Format & Schedule – Focus on Writing

Blog Break – Revisions and Editing for Oro Goro

Thanks for being a subscriber to my blog. As promised, my main goal for this blog has always been to share stories and thoughts, and to bring you along in the process while I flesh out and bring life to all the things I've wanted to finish but never got around to doing. I think I've been fairly successful thus far, at least in my own judgment. Most recently, I have shared the last chapter in the Oro Goro story, both in text and through the release of my final video.