Clerical Conversations (Fourth Letter)

The following letter is part of an ongoing conversation between two clerics, Professor Recamundus de Gelgadongo and Professor Cesario de Torium. The correspondence, which began as a rebuke of the work of a poem by Prof. Cesario for being too dangerous for laymen consumption, has shifted to direct attacks on each other's bodies of work.

Vestilla and Olenos – A Complicated Relationship Between Two Kingdoms

The two most powerful kingdoms in Northern Caelon, Vestilla in the mountains and Olenos in the Western hills, have a long and storied relationship that includes alliances and troubles alike. Until the Battle of Gelgadongo, it was uncertain whether the two kingdoms could put aside their differences long enough to stand together against the encroaching Warathi forces. The following is a brief history of the two Kingdoms.

First excerpt from “Cantar del Primer Hijo”

Without a doubt, the most influential single figure in modern history is the man we now call "The First Son." When he first appeared in our legends, the world was a vastly different place than it is today. All historical documents from that age say that overwhelming majority of the world was covered with swarms of demons great and small. In fact, the Third Age, in which the First Son lived, is colloquially dubbed the Age of Monsters. He, along with his bands of brave men over years and years of expeditions, reshaped the world as a place to once again become hospitable by human settlers.