Penderona and the Cult of the Underworld

To say that the lordship of Penderona on the Northwest tip of Caelon simply shares similarities with the Saibhrean Isles, does not paint an accurate portrait of the relationship between the kingdom and the people of the isles. When compared with its nearest neighbor, the kingdom of Olenos, to whom it currently owes fealty, Penderona shares significantly more similarities with the islands of the trade barons. This is in large part due to the fact that both Penderona and the earliest island settlers of the age were from the same group of pilgrims - the Daoine Farraige.

#TBT “Is It Okay if I Move in with You?”

This video, inspired by the first ever Fiesta Studios video from a long time ago "Will You Marry Me?", was the first video that we made coming into the new series of videos starting in 2015. We did this for about three hours of improv, which was extremely fun. There was a lot of stuff during the three hours that didn't make the cut, some of it pretty crazy. I'd love to do another video like this one day.

Clerical Conversations (Third Letter)

The following communication is continued correspondence between Professor Cesario de Torium and Professor Recamundus de Gelgadongo. In the two previous letters between the rival clerics, they discussed the potential repercussions of how the subjects of their poetry are portrayed, and what effect that may have on listeners. Each of them has dismissed the other's words as a rhetorical form of saber rattling, trying to prove their superiority in the arts by confusing the meaning of their rival's work.

Tips for Being a Better Squirrel Fisher

Now, I know what you're thinking: I'm already the best squirrel fisher in the tri-county area, what more could I learn from a post on the internet about being better at bagging big bushy tails? The answer: a whole lot more. You are merely beginning your squirrel fishing journey, and I am here to help you ascend to a higher level.