Tips for Being a Better Squirrel Fisher

Credit: Saippuakauppias – A squirrel the rod during Squirrel_fishing on the University of Waterloo campus, ON, Canada.

Now, I know what you’re thinking: I’m already the best squirrel fisher in the tri-county area, what more could I learn from a post on the internet about being better at bagging big bushy tails? The answer: a whole lot more. You are merely beginning your squirrel fishing journey, and I am here to help you ascend to a higher level.

Use a Strong Line

Look at that behemoth. You think some crappy 5 lb test will be enough to bag this kicking and screaming little nugget? Get out of here.

Don’t even think about using fishing line for your squirrel catching needs. It’s a bad idea, no matter what test you use. That’s a rookie mistake – one that will cost you dearly when you only have three hours to bag the biggest tree rodent in the monthly contest in your area. So what kind of line do the professionals recommend?

There are many options out there, but none have seen more success than Heavy Duty Binder / Bailer Twine made from hemp. Not only does it hold up even under the greatest amount of stress, but it actually encourages the squirrels to take hold of the line as they stuff their mouth with the bait. Their little grabbers cannot resist the feeling of the twine, and the hemp will be sure to calm them as they flail back and forth in the air to their impending capture.

Master-class squirrel fishers do not rely on the tensile strength of the jaws of squirrels alone- make them give you a helping hand.

Use a Better Bait

If you’re going to go at all, you better go big.

While many past tournament winners have had some luck with unopened in-shell peanuts, in-shell filberts and the classic option of uncracked walnuts, true squirrel fishermen all agree the best and most effective bait for the furry nut goblins is the time-tested champion, the uncracked macadamia nut.

Sure, you could get a cheaper nut, but when your squirrel chews right through the nut and takes your bait, how will you tell your wife and kids you won’t have that prize money for the weekend getaway to Pine Lake?

Here’s the facts: macadamia nut shells are the hardest nut to crack – at 300 pounds of pressure per square inch required to open them, the poor varmint will latch on and realize right away that this nut is no slouch. While it’s true that grey squirrels have a bite force of up to 7000 psi, this nut will still pose quite the struggle for the little guy.

If there’s one thing that you should know about squirrels, it’s that they are stubborn and persistent – the perfect match for a macadamia nut. Just make sure that you tie the bait well enough, or it may just choose to chew through the line instead.

Use a Better Knot

The monkey’s fist: perhaps the greatest knot to ever enter the competitive squirrel fishing racket.

While fishers of fish will swear up and down all day how good of a simple knot like the Palomar knot is, this just won’t cut it when it comes to the tricky little critters. If you’re serious about outsmarting the crafty creatures, then you need to invest in a knot like the monkey’s fist, a perfect knot to hold your nuts.

This knot was first used as a means for heaving ropes, but also served as a hand-to-hand weapon before it eventually found its way to its true calling – outsmarting squirrels.

Some tips to remember, however, before you stalk a sailor to teach you the craft: Always leave space between the rope and the nut so that the squirrel can see the delicious snack inside. When possible, bring a jar of peanut oil and soak the twine and bait in it so that the pungent aroma fills the prairie. Lastly, when all else fails, grab some almond butter and spread it all around the ground in a circle around your nut so it looks like a tiny buffet.

Use a Ghillie Suit

Let the squirrels know you’re just foliage. Let the other squirrelmen know you mean business.

Does this one even need covered? If you still haven’t invested in a military grade ghillie suit, then do you even want that trophy and prize money? New squirrel fishers probably haven’t seen anyone wearing a ghillie suit and have not even considered making the investment themselves. That’s kind of the point of a ghillie suit though – you’re not supposed to be able to see them.

If you want to take your squirrel fishing game to the next level, I highly recommend that you stake your claim in a tall branch with proper cover. Squirrel don’t understand concepts like “trees are sometimes people”, so wearing appropriate camouflage will give you that much more of an edge on your competition. Don’t let good squirrels go by. Buy a ghillie suit.

1 thought on “Tips for Being a Better Squirrel Fisher”

  1. Huh? Is any of this true?? You’re convincing.

    On Tue, May 26, 2020 at 4:34 PM, Thought Backlog wrote:

    > Andrew Michael Miller posted: ” Credit: Saippuakauppias – A squirrel the > rod during Squirrel_fishing on the University of Waterloo campus, ON, > Canada. Now, I know what you’re thinking: I’m already the best squirrel > fisher in the tri-county area, what more could I learn from a post o” >

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