
The Coins of Caelon

In modern Caelon and the surrounding areas, economies are run on many different mints of coins, some of them more prominent than others. Prior to the downfall of the Torian Empire in the White Walled City, the currency of Caelon was controlled by the Liquidus Mint, a centralized organization which was part of the Torian government that printed all the coins that were circulated throughout the City and eventually the settlements of Caelon. After the Warathi Conquest began, the Torian coin saw an immediate loss of power and influence, with many other kingdoms opting to mint their own currency after that point. As a result, most cities now have exchanges where travelers can trade currencies for one another. Below is an overview of the coins of Caelon.

Need Writing Practice But Not Sure Where to Start? Try a Writing Prompt!

Have you ever had the creative urge to write, but don't have any solid ideas at the time? One of the most difficult parts of writing is the conceptualization stage, when you start deciding what kind of story you want to write. We tend to put a lot of pressure on ourselves to be original. Often, we want to say something unique to ourselves as individuals when we write. We worry that the things we write will just be a re-hashing of the stories we've already told. We want to try something new, but all too often, we worry that we will just end up sticking to the same genres, the same themes, the same structure. How can we overcome this mental block and get back to our "zone" when writing? One way you can do it is by challenging yourself with writing prompts.

The Rise of Emperor Wa’rath

History remembers the man who was primarily responsible for the toppling of the Torian Empire on Caelon. Without a doubt, Wa'rath the Conqueror is one of the most feared and divisive figures to ever enter the geopolitical stage at the center of civilization. To this day, his legacy lives on, both in the kingdoms he toppled and the culture he created. Torians understandably see the man as an evil force, bent on war against El Tor's people and their long history. To the Warathi people, he remains a mythical figure, seen as the reincarnation of the First Son. Regardless of the viewpoint, none can disagree the man disrupted the entire continent in his warpath prior to his death. Here is what we know of the meteoric rise of Emperor Wa'rath.

Character Dialogue: A Game of Goals

In all forms of character writing, be it stage plays, screen plays, novels, video games or any other kind of medium where two different characters converse with one another, massive potential exists for fantastic dialogue. The act of putting two characters in the same space and seeing how they react to each other is the heart of good drama. When well-written characters who have their own histories, personalities, attitudes, strengths and weaknesses enter into a conversation with another character with a different background, there lies a great opportunity for a good scene. What makes the scene more powerful is when the characters have their own individual goals for the conversation. This is where we as writers really get to prove that we know our characters inside and out. Here are some things to consider when writing dialogue.

“What Lingers in the Darkness” – A Poem from the World of El Tor

The Holy City of Torium, the new seat of the Torian Council, was founded upon the ruins of an ancient city, something it shares with most of the settlements centered around the land mass known as Caelon. Torium lies across Lago Nero, the enormous lake on the east side of the main peninsula where civilization thrives. To the east of Torium, no major ruins suitable for re-establishment have been discovered, thus making Torium among the furthest reaches of modern mankind. Since not much is known about the wilderness east of Torium, locals have taken the opportunity to create their own myths and urban legends about what lies to the east. Some claim that demons from the Third Age still roam… Continue reading “What Lingers in the Darkness” – A Poem from the World of El Tor