Why is it that we always seem to do our best thinking when we take a step back from our daily life? Whether it's a long walk around the block, spending time in nature, a long shower, a conversation with a close friend, or just writing down your thoughts on a piece of paper, we all have our best methods that seem to work for coming up with creative solutions to problems. What's yours?
Category: blog posts
The Need to Create & the Need to Be Accepted
Shaking things up & Entering the World of El Tor
5 Things to Avoid while Staying at Home
These are unprecedented times. The COVID-19 spread has crippled the world economy and forced us all to spend the majority of our time indoors for what will likely be a much longer time than what most of us are used to. The time we spend adjusting to this "new normal" will continue to be filled with many traps that will do a number on our mental health if we let them. Below are five things to watch out for during this time which will rob you of your happiness - but only if you let them.
Four Personality Types and How to Get Along with (Almost) Everyone
Have you ever been in a situation where you speak clearly to someone else, and they take it the wrong way? Has this caused tension in your relationships before? Have you found that there are just some people who you instantly get along with, while with others it seems like you are speaking two different languages?