Tips for Being a Better Squirrel Fisher

Now, I know what you're thinking: I'm already the best squirrel fisher in the tri-county area, what more could I learn from a post on the internet about being better at bagging big bushy tails? The answer: a whole lot more. You are merely beginning your squirrel fishing journey, and I am here to help you ascend to a higher level.

The True Value of Video Games

Growing up, it was an uphill battle trying to contend with the stigma that video games were not only going to rot my mind, but that they would cause me to become violent, or at least lazy. Sure, from an outsider's perspective, some games like Grand Theft Auto or Mortal Kombat would be cause for alarm. After all, they had blood, gore and other mature content that I agree shouldn't be consumed by children. But just because there are games out there that are not appropriate for children, does that mean the whole medium is completely without its merits? The answer is no, and here's why.

How to Survive Social Gatherings as an Introvert

It's coming. The day you dread will eventually come where you will have to once again be around all those people. It was nice while it lasted, but soon you will once again have to deal with the ups and downs of being around others. It's draining. It's tiring. It's stressful. But you can survive, if you just remember a few tips to help.