Recovered Texts of Lost Civilizations – Part 1 – Secret Knowledge

As the people of the White Walled City expanded outward after the First Son's crusade to end the demonic presence throughout the land, the ancient walls that would form the basis of today's major cities were not the only relics reclaimed from the ruins. Tucked away deep within the vaults of the major cities where they were protected from time and the elements, there were many scrolls and tomes that held various information relevant to ancient times, before the Fall of Man. While some have been loosely translated from the various ancient tongues, there are many texts that still to this day have not been translated, despite the best efforts of modern researchers. What knowledge lies within these mysterious tomes may well be considered lost as time rolls forward.

Vanity and the Ancient: Concerning the Second Age

The civilization centered on and around Caelon we know today was built on the remains of a vibrant and ancient world, one more far-reaching and expansive than many people realize. The ancient societies of mankind were said to have spread far and wide, far beyond the reaches of modern man in his attempts to rebuild. Although the bones of their cities still stand, the knowledge they gathered and the technology they used now are lost to the ever-flowing stream of time. What hints of the past still remain are closely-guarded secrets in libraries and treasure troves kept by the rulers of the modern world. However, there are a few important discoveries that have been made in time, that give us a glimpse of what life used to be like before the Fall of Man.