You Should Try Going Somewhere Your Phone Doesn’t Work!

Sometimes the noise is too much for anybody to handle. Whether you're someone who watches the news and gets discouraged about the world today, or someone who incessantly refreshes Facebook or Reddit every time you reach the end of the feed, your connection to media may be having a huge negative effect on your mental health, especially this year. Yet, like a moth to the flame, you find yourself coming back again and again, even though you know you'll get burned. Maybe it's time to combat this by going somewhere you won't be able to get cable tv or data coverage on your phone. Below are some ideas of better places than the corner of your dark bedroom to spend some time, banging your head on the wall just to feel alive.

#TBT – “Food Challenge – Gefilte Fish”

Okay, looking back at this one, it has to be one of my all-time favorite food challenges to watch. I feel like it has a great blend of humor and disgust, all balled up and sealed in a jar for your entertainment. The gefilte fish really wasn't that bad, all things considered, but I wouldn't go out of my way to eat it again.

What Brings You Joy? Here Are Some Ideas For You!

When life starts to get you down, what pulls you out of it? In a time when it seems like everything is doom and gloom, and the future is uncertain, how do you stand against such a torrent of bad ju-ju? If you haven't figured it out yet, or if the same old things that used to make you happy are starting to become dull, then here are some simple things you can try. You never know, you might find some hidden truth about human nature that you never would have seen before. Sometimes, you just have to do what Mitch Hedberg once said, and "get your priorities crooked."

My Birthday Gift to Myself – An Essay I Wrote in College

For your reading pleasure, I submit the following essay as a birthday present from me to myself and you. I wrote this 12 years ago for a class in college. I have not edited the paper whatever, no matter how much it burns me to read some of the sentence structure issues I see with it now. I think it's more important to preserve the past so that I can accurately track my progress as a writer. Nevertheless, I hope you will enjoy my essay as much as I enjoy remembering it. February 7, 2008 "My Moment of Change"     Life was good for me up to about 21 years ago. I was having a great time swimming through each… Continue reading My Birthday Gift to Myself – An Essay I Wrote in College