How to Make a Good New Year Resolution

Here we are again, at the end of one year, hopeful and ready to greet a new one. It is no secret that this year was a hard one for a lot of people. More than three times as many people reported feeling depressed during the pandemic, when compared to prior to the start of it. Along with that, we saw an increase in the amount of binge drinking and other substance abuse during the year. Unsurprisingly, the obesity rate has also risen significantly during this very tough year. It was a very tough year for mental and physical and even spiritual health, and even though the new year is about to start, we're not out of the woods yet. Now that the new year is about to begin, have you already set a resolution for yourself? How can you ensure that this new year resolution will work? Are you ready to make the commitment to yourself? Here are some ideas on how to establish good habits and get the most out of the new you that you will make, one day at a time this new year.

Americans: Three Reasons to Ditch Cable News

In 2020, Cable News is as American as apple pie. On both sides of the political fence, opinion pundits have taken over as the most trusted forms of information, at least for the older generations. If you have found yourself more agitated and angry the older you get, perhaps it's time to consider what might be causing these feelings of resentment and discomfort. It's very possible that simply cutting out the cable news channels in your life could see a dramatic improvement on your outlook, temperament and mental health. Here are five reasons why you should cut that cord forever.

What’s Your Favorite Way to Reorganize Your Thoughts?

Why is it that we always seem to do our best thinking when we take a step back from our daily life? Whether it's a long walk around the block, spending time in nature, a long shower, a conversation with a close friend, or just writing down your thoughts on a piece of paper, we all have our best methods that seem to work for coming up with creative solutions to problems. What's yours?

Four Personality Types and How to Get Along with (Almost) Everyone

Have you ever been in a situation where you speak clearly to someone else, and they take it the wrong way? Has this caused tension in your relationships before? Have you found that there are just some people who you instantly get along with, while with others it seems like you are speaking two different languages?