“The Old Wall Made of Stone” – A Saibhrean ‘Drinking Song’

Although the history of the Saibhrean Isles has recorded much conflict between the various settlements as the various clans have vied for superiority, there are many more aspects of the island culture that unite the people than there have been reasons to fight one another. As the old Saibhrean saying goes, "by fist I rest, by song I rise," it's not uncommon for the same people to come to blows one day and join one another in song the next. Coming from the island of Talamor, but popular throughout all of the isles, one such song is "The Old Stone Wall", a 'drinking song' sung in chorus at most weddings, almost always accompanied by clapping and cheering.

“Warm Your Cold Arms” a Sonnet from the Saibhrean Isles

There were many factors in the time and setting that likely would have had an effect on Bróccan the Bard's poetry, and not smallest among them was a plague that devastated nearly 20% of the population of the Saibhread Isles, spreading to many cities in Caelon as well, before it ultimately subsided. The toll it took on the people in that day was extraordinary. Statistically speaking, nearly everybody lost someone they loved, and not least among them was Bróccan, who lost an older sister when he was just a child to the disease.