(Fantasy) Clerical Conversations (Eighth Letter)

The annual clerical summit of Becio has come and gone. For the first time, the event was held in Northern Becio, the side of the twin city more friendly toward the Saibhrean Isles merchants. In an unprecedented move, the hosts gave equal time to the bards of the Isles that they gave to the academic clerics. Because of this, the bitter rivals Professor Cesario de Torium and Professor Recamundus de Gelgadongo managed to find common ground after months of spiteful rhetoric tossed back and forth. Below is the first communication between the two clerics after their fateful meeting that would mark the very beginning of their friendship which lasted the rest of their lives.

(Fantasy) “Dances in the Sky” – a Song from the World of El Tor

(Fantasy) The life of King Alberto IV of Penderona was one of remarkable tragedy. Yet, despite the immense sadness that accompanied him, Alberto IV remains one of the most beloved kings in the entire history of Penderona. Statues of him adorn several locations within the city, with the most beautiful sculpture of him near the fountain at the central square. It depicts him holding the body of his wife the queen close to his breast, on the night she died without warning. However, the tragedy he experienced in his life did not end there.

The Deadliest Song Ever Sung in the World of El Tor

In the year 972 of the Age of Kings, a man from the nearby village of Xiaca was hanged in the temple square in the kingdom of Vestilla. While public executions were becoming more and more common in the years following the attempt on the king's life in 966 A4, the sentencing and execution of this particular man marked the first time in known history of the kingdom that a man was put to death because of a song.

A Sonnet from the Saibhrean Isles

Unlike the academics in the Caelon peninsula and in Torium who are primarily confined to their respective colleges, the bards of the Saibhrean Isles north and west of Caelon play more of an active role with the politics of the islands. They are chroniclers, scribes and satirists for their lords, the great Trade Barons. Not only do they entertain, usually by praising the lords they serve and cursing those who cross them, but they are also tasked with recording the history of their houses. They are an integral part of Saibhrean society and their caste is highly regarded throughout the islands, even if that sentiment does not extend to the main land.

Clerical Conversations (First Letter)

The following series of letters occurs between two rival clerics, Recamundus de Gelgadongo and Cesario de Torium. While there can be no question that Torium is a much larger cultural hub - it is the Torian Capital, after all - not enough can be said about the Academy in Gelgadongo, where many lords from the peninsula and trade barons from the the Saibhrean Isles send their children to receive an education.