“Walls” – Song from the World of El Tor

The song recorded in this article remains of unknown origin, sparking much scholarly debate as to the exact time period it was written. A popular assumption that has been accepted as fact by the laymen of our time is that the song was, indeed, written by a man whose wife was outside of the walls of the Holy City when the Fall began. While indeed that is a romantic notion, recent research has noted that the phrasing and the styling of the song hint at a much later original penning. No known texts reference the song prior to year 314 of the current age, when it is recorded that King Alberto IV of Penderona had the song played every night… Continue reading “Walls” – Song from the World of El Tor

World Building Software – Wonderdraft

Let me start off by saying I am already a believer in this program, and I have been using it as a crucial tool in the creation of my fantasy world. There are many things about this program that make it better than its competition, and any serious writers or dungeon masters out there should consider Wonderdraft when creating their own play spaces. As a visual creator, having the ability to create maps as granular and as large as I want make it that much easier for me to plot out the major elements of my stories. If you, like me, need to be able to see the layout of the world you're working on, then I cannot stress enough that you should consider Wonderdraft as your mapping solution.