Announcement – The Apostate Saint – Serialized Stories

I am pleased to announce a new series of short stories to be included directly on the blog. This new series takes place hundreds of years before the events of PANCHO'S FALL and follows FRIDOK, the Saint who went missing after his crusades were over. Fridok was among the original Ten Saints who followed El Hijo, out from the safety of the White Walled City and into the wilderness to cleanse the lands of the demons that inhabited it. The short stories will be serial in nature and will directly explain what happened to him, after the First Crusade was completed. Fridok returned from the crusades expecting to find some notoriety for his endeavors and sacrifice for the greater good,… Continue reading Announcement – The Apostate Saint – Serialized Stories

The Coins of Caelon

In modern Caelon and the surrounding areas, economies are run on many different mints of coins, some of them more prominent than others. Prior to the downfall of the Torian Empire in the White Walled City, the currency of Caelon was controlled by the Liquidus Mint, a centralized organization which was part of the Torian government that printed all the coins that were circulated throughout the City and eventually the settlements of Caelon. After the Warathi Conquest began, the Torian coin saw an immediate loss of power and influence, with many other kingdoms opting to mint their own currency after that point. As a result, most cities now have exchanges where travelers can trade currencies for one another. Below is an overview of the coins of Caelon.

The Gifted Wars – 32 Years of Bitter Feuds (Part IV)

The second major conflict of the era known as the Gifted Wars came about due to the failed betrothal of young Magia Moro of Ismar to Hannibal II, lord of Shalona. When Magia fled with Hannibal's son Hanin, they left behind a bewildered house, unable to explain their disappearances. Relations quickly failed between the two cities, eventually culminating in attacks on caravans from Shalona to nearby Renia, carried out by agents of Ismar.

The Gifted Wars – 32 Years of Bitter Feuds (Part I)

Near the beginning of the Fourth Age, as much of the ancient settlements of Caelon were claimed by the earliest settlers of the post-demonic era, a problem of leadership arose. The men and women who set out to lay claim to the land were sent on expeditions chartered by the Prime Consul of the White Walled City, but at some point it became clear that the blood of the First Son would act as a chaos agent working against the order that the Torians sought. The plans to run a unified bureaucracy under Torian rule were met with the ambitions of men with unnatural powers who would fancy themselves kings, unbeholden to the command of the Torian leadership. The ensuing conflicts that came next would be remembered as the Gifted Wars.