Treasure Hunters in the World of El Tor

It is no secret that once the world was cleared of the demonic threat during the Third Age, countless treasures were reclaimed by the pilgrims who first journeyed outward from the City of White Walls. Over the years, as the various realms began to form under the rule of kings, many of these treasures were taken into the royal coffers. Early competition between kings was to see how many of the treasures of the fallen age they could amass for their own kingdoms. Because of this, the treasures became more status symbols than curious pieces of technology from the technologically advanced societies that fell to the curse.

While there are a few small but dedicated organizations who are interested in the study and understanding of the artifacts, the unfortunate truth is that the overwhelming majority of the relics that are available are hidden behind closed doors, in castles vaults and underground treasure chambers. Perhaps the greatest questions of the lost technologies of the past could be answered if only there was a concerted effort to study and share research among all of the different kingdoms of the land. Alas, over the ages the importance of the relics has been diminished and forgotten by the inheritors of the kingdoms.

The Forgotten Stone Halls

Among the other structures that still stand from the Age of Vanity of Mankind, there are a few peculiar structures that have not been properly searched. These structures, some very impressive in size and ornateness of architecture, seem to be entirely shut off from all access by the present denizens of the land. This has stirred up the minds of many curious people, some of which have dedicated their life in hopes that they would be the ones to open and discover the secrets within.

When the world was reclaimed after the efforts of the outriders of the First Son, many of the long lost cities were re-settled as new kingdoms. The strange structures that still stand unclaimed today all seem to be in relatively treacherous locations. One such building in Warathi lands, near the town of Adrio, stands in the middle of a desert, surrounded by poisonous plants in every direction. Another location, west of Becio, lies deep in a canyon surrounded by a forest of strange half-dead, half-thriving trees. In both cases, there have been several excursions by those hoping to gain untold riches, many of which have never been heard from again.

Of the few unsuccessful treasure hunts that have taken place in these mysterious stone halls, many have reported that the structures, somewhat like temples, seem to be completely sealed and unable to be opened by any normal human means. Attempts to use hammers and other blunt objects to damage the walls have been entirely unfruitful. Whatever technology was used to seal these structures was intentionally designed to keep out the curious adventurers and robbers alike.

1 thought on “Treasure Hunters in the World of El Tor”

  1. Hmmm. Impenetrable buildings. What’s next?

    On Mon, Jun 22, 2020 at 4:30 PM, Thought Backlog wrote:

    > Andrew Michael Miller posted: ” It is no secret that once the world was > cleared of the demonic threat during the Third Age, countless treasures > were reclaimed by the pilgrims who first journeyed outward from the City of > White Walls. Over the years, as the various realms began to fo” >

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