
(Fantasy) Fifth Excerpt from “Cantar del Primer Hijo”

Continuing Cantar I of the epic poem of Cantar del Primer Hijo, (Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4) the following lines describe the first major battle against a large demon with three heads. The significance of the battle is multiplied by the fact that the First Son, the leader of the band, was absent from the camp when the demon attacked.

What is an Antihero?

The term antihero (or anti-hero) gets thrown around fairly often nowadays, sometimes incorrectly. The concept of an anti-hero is not technically new, but it certainly is prevalent in modern story-telling. The term itself was coined in the 18th Century, but examples of such a type of character are there in Greek drama, Roman satire and Renaissance literature. So what is an anti-hero, exactly? Simply put, an anti-hero is a main character of a story that does not have the typical qualities that are expected of a hero. This does not mean all antiheroes are bad people, just that they do not fit the traditional description of a hero.

Tarlia – City on the Divide

The peninsula of Caelon is divided between mountainous northern highlands and a vast mesa desert stretching across the entirety of the southern part of the land, and onto the land bridge leading to the Southern Tribelands. On the southern edge of the more lush land, situated halfway between the Northern lake city of Gelgadongo and the Imperial capital Denegaz (also known as the White Walled City), lies the bustling town of Tarlia.

Be Consistent With Your Writing Schedule

Are you in a committed relationship with your writing, or are you in more of a "when I have time" kind of schedule with it? I'm willing to bet that if you are in the latter, you probably are not happy with how much you write, and it probably even causes you some amount of stress to think about how much you are not writing. You have to ask yourself: do I really want to write, or is it just something I'd like to do sometime, when I can get around to it? Once you decide what you want from your relationship with writing, then you should know how to proceed from there.

“Three Swords, Three Fates” (Poem)

Continuing the exploration into the Ten Saints who followed the First Son on his crusade against the demons of the land, today we highlight the three swordsmen of the original band. Perhaps the best way to do this is by simply presenting the poem that best describes the legend of the three swordsmen, "Three Swords, Three Fates" - which was written some 300 years after their first journey from the White Walled City.