Recovered Texts of Lost Civilizations – Part 1 – Secret Knowledge

As the people of the White Walled City expanded outward after the First Son's crusade to end the demonic presence throughout the land, the ancient walls that would form the basis of today's major cities were not the only relics reclaimed from the ruins. Tucked away deep within the vaults of the major cities where they were protected from time and the elements, there were many scrolls and tomes that held various information relevant to ancient times, before the Fall of Man. While some have been loosely translated from the various ancient tongues, there are many texts that still to this day have not been translated, despite the best efforts of modern researchers. What knowledge lies within these mysterious tomes may well be considered lost as time rolls forward.

The Rise of Emperor Wa’rath

History remembers the man who was primarily responsible for the toppling of the Torian Empire on Caelon. Without a doubt, Wa'rath the Conqueror is one of the most feared and divisive figures to ever enter the geopolitical stage at the center of civilization. To this day, his legacy lives on, both in the kingdoms he toppled and the culture he created. Torians understandably see the man as an evil force, bent on war against El Tor's people and their long history. To the Warathi people, he remains a mythical figure, seen as the reincarnation of the First Son. Regardless of the viewpoint, none can disagree the man disrupted the entire continent in his warpath prior to his death. Here is what we know of the meteoric rise of Emperor Wa'rath.

Vanity and the Ancient: Concerning the Second Age

The civilization centered on and around Caelon we know today was built on the remains of a vibrant and ancient world, one more far-reaching and expansive than many people realize. The ancient societies of mankind were said to have spread far and wide, far beyond the reaches of modern man in his attempts to rebuild. Although the bones of their cities still stand, the knowledge they gathered and the technology they used now are lost to the ever-flowing stream of time. What hints of the past still remain are closely-guarded secrets in libraries and treasure troves kept by the rulers of the modern world. However, there are a few important discoveries that have been made in time, that give us a glimpse of what life used to be like before the Fall of Man.

Tips for Writing Your First Fantasy/Sci-Fi Novel

If you have ever wanted to write a Fantasy or Sci-Fi story, you've undoubtedly wondered when the perfect time to write the story would be. You may know the story you want to tell, but maybe you're not sure about the ins and outs of how the story will interact with the universe you hope to create. Sometimes, this can cause what some writers call "Worldbuilding Hell," a rabbit hole that many authors fall into that makes it hard to get back into the real story writing. So, how can you avoid the worldbuilding trap while still telling the story you want to tell in an appropriately designed world of your choosing? Here are some tips to consider.

The Founding of Torium

After the Gifted Wars reached their conclusion, several factors brought the remainder of the Torian Empire closer to the edge of destruction. Losing direct control over nearly half of the Torian-founded settlements on Caelon to new monarchies primed the government of the White Walled City for an eventual takeover by outside forces. For nearly 400 years, the Torian government saw decline as more and more cities came to prominence, decentralizing the trade and lowering the intrinsic value of a capital city. While the Torian forces would be ultimately conquered and removed from their home, the ancient seat of El Tor, the remnants of the once-great society still survive across the great Lago Nero, on a large stretch of land now known as Torium.