What Lies in the Deep – Urban Legends of the World of El Tor

In the World of El Tor, there is no shortage of local legends that have been established in the various regions where humans have settled. Two of the myths that have seen a wider circulation both involve the mysterious darkness under the water - in Lago Nero, the large lake that separates Caelon from Secessia, and in the Mar de Comercio, (the Sea of Commerce) that hosts the Saibhrean Isles to the Northwest of Caelon.

Clerical Conversations (Fifth Letter)

The following is the latest in an ongoing communication between two clerics, Professor Cesario de Torium and Professor Recamundus de Gelgadongo. Most recently, the gauntlet has been thrown off and the pleasantries of their profession have all but disappeared, leaving only scarcely concealed candor. What started as a request by Prof. Recamundus for Prof. Cesario to denounce his poem that painted a criminal, in the land of Caelon near Prof. Recamundus, in a somewhat sympathetic light, now has devolved to spiteful critiques of each other's character and body of work.

Americans: Three Reasons to Ditch Cable News

In 2020, Cable News is as American as apple pie. On both sides of the political fence, opinion pundits have taken over as the most trusted forms of information, at least for the older generations. If you have found yourself more agitated and angry the older you get, perhaps it's time to consider what might be causing these feelings of resentment and discomfort. It's very possible that simply cutting out the cable news channels in your life could see a dramatic improvement on your outlook, temperament and mental health. Here are five reasons why you should cut that cord forever.

Treasure Hunters in the World of El Tor

It is no secret that once the world was cleared of the demonic threat during the Third Age, countless treasures were reclaimed by the pilgrims who first journeyed outward from the City of White Walls. Over the years, as the various realms began to form under the rule of kings, many of these treasures were taken into the royal coffers. Early competition between kings was to see how many of the treasures of the fallen age they could amass for their own kingdoms. Because of this, the treasures became more status symbols than curious pieces of technology from the technologically advanced societies that fell to the curse.