The Seeds of Racism in America and the Confederate Statues

It seems today that there is a lot of cloudiness in terms of American history, and there are a lot of emotions coming to the forefront as currency for the social strife. Because the nation is so polarized, it's fair to say that in general, on one side tensions are high because enough is enough and the time for addressing racism and police brutality is now. On the other side, people feel as if their very heritage is being attacked, or even that their way of life is being bombarded by enemies. If you find yourself standing firmly on either one of these sides, it is likely you feel very strongly that the other side is clearly in the wrong. While it's okay to feel strongly about your convictions, but in times of social tension like this, it's also important to think about past precedents and the heavy toll of the disagreements between sides in our country.

“Love in the Deep” a Sonnet from the Saibhrean Isles

As mentioned recently, the prolific Bróccan the Bard, whose personality and work is well known in the Saibhrean Isles, wrote a sonnet about the Parade of the Dead (carbhán na marbh), the local legend that claims the souls of the dead are led through the sea by a white whale to the underworld (domhan thíos).

Human History: The Ultimate Inspiration for Creative Writing

Historians are going to have a tough time recording all the things that have happened in the last few years. What's more, it seems like 2020 is the grand finale in a string of "very interesting years" in our currently times. If you try to write about all the things that have happened in depth, you will be able to write volumes upon volumes about all the tumultuous things that have happened. Sometimes it's hard to think back just five years ago and feel like it was still within this lifetime. But it's true.