New Website (And a Hiccup)

So this is going to sound like deja vu to anyone who has been paying attention, but I recently migrated my site from the site to this site, It was a lot of work getting the site moved to a self-hosted site, and unfortunately I had some work ahead of me prior to being able to really start posting again. Enter the hiccup.

Americans: Three Reasons to Ditch Cable News

In 2020, Cable News is as American as apple pie. On both sides of the political fence, opinion pundits have taken over as the most trusted forms of information, at least for the older generations. If you have found yourself more agitated and angry the older you get, perhaps it's time to consider what might be causing these feelings of resentment and discomfort. It's very possible that simply cutting out the cable news channels in your life could see a dramatic improvement on your outlook, temperament and mental health. Here are five reasons why you should cut that cord forever.