“Three Swords, Three Fates” (Poem)

Continuing the exploration into the Ten Saints who followed the First Son on his crusade against the demons of the land, today we highlight the three swordsmen of the original band. Perhaps the best way to do this is by simply presenting the poem that best describes the legend of the three swordsmen, "Three Swords, Three Fates" - which was written some 300 years after their first journey from the White Walled City.

(Fantasy) Clerical Conversations (Eighth Letter)

The annual clerical summit of Becio has come and gone. For the first time, the event was held in Northern Becio, the side of the twin city more friendly toward the Saibhrean Isles merchants. In an unprecedented move, the hosts gave equal time to the bards of the Isles that they gave to the academic clerics. Because of this, the bitter rivals Professor Cesario de Torium and Professor Recamundus de Gelgadongo managed to find common ground after months of spiteful rhetoric tossed back and forth. Below is the first communication between the two clerics after their fateful meeting that would mark the very beginning of their friendship which lasted the rest of their lives.

(Fantasy) “Dances in the Sky” – a Song from the World of El Tor

(Fantasy) The life of King Alberto IV of Penderona was one of remarkable tragedy. Yet, despite the immense sadness that accompanied him, Alberto IV remains one of the most beloved kings in the entire history of Penderona. Statues of him adorn several locations within the city, with the most beautiful sculpture of him near the fountain at the central square. It depicts him holding the body of his wife the queen close to his breast, on the night she died without warning. However, the tragedy he experienced in his life did not end there.

(Fantasy) Fourth Excerpt from “Cantar del Primer Hijo”

(Fantasy) The first cantar (Cantar I - Fanfare of the Son) (Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3) from the greater work of “Cantar del Primer Hijo," the poet describes the arrival and swift departure of the First Son, the long lost mythical heir to the seat of El Tor. He gathered together a group of ten volunteers which later become known as the Ten Saints and set out into the wilderness with them with a goal of reconquering the land from the monsters that rule over it.

(Fantasy) “Just a Peasant Girl” a Sonnet from the Saibhrean Isles

(Fantasy) Bróccan the Bard, perhaps the most well-known traveling poet in the world, often used his renown to be able to approach subjects in his work that other less-known poets would have had trouble performing due to some of the taboo nature of the subject matter. However, because of his reputation and his charismatic approach to storytelling, Bróccan was often able to broach these subjects with relative impunity from would-be critics.