(Fantasy) The Importance of Puerto de La Casias

While the City of Vestilla is easily one of the most defensible fortresses in the entirety of Caelon due to its location settled high in the northern mountains, it must be said that much of its current success as a kingdom relies on the port to the northwest, the town known as La Casias. Until the unification of the lordships under King Francisco Ávalos I described here, La Casias thrived due to its geography, easily becoming one of the most powerful houses in the region now known as the Kingdom of Vestilla. Positioned on the coast of the Mar de Comercio and reachable only by sea and through a pass in the mountains far too narrow for an army to easily pass through, the town has thrived for hundreds of years under the Nadario family, the first dwellers in the specific region post-reclamation.

(Fantasy) “Dances in the Sky” – a Song from the World of El Tor

(Fantasy) The life of King Alberto IV of Penderona was one of remarkable tragedy. Yet, despite the immense sadness that accompanied him, Alberto IV remains one of the most beloved kings in the entire history of Penderona. Statues of him adorn several locations within the city, with the most beautiful sculpture of him near the fountain at the central square. It depicts him holding the body of his wife the queen close to his breast, on the night she died without warning. However, the tragedy he experienced in his life did not end there.

(Fantasy) The Secrets of the Tribes of Southern Secessia

(Fantasy) In the southern part of the Great Continent of Secessia, far beyond the Holy Realm of Torium lies the Southern Tribeland, the place of a thousand tribes. The lands are so filled with unique tribes that, for Caeloni diplomats and merchants, it is nearly impossible nor worthwhile to develop strong social bonds with the people of the land. Therefore, communication and trade between northern kingdoms and the Southern Tribeland are simply not attempted at any significant rate.

(Fantasy) Fourth Excerpt from “Cantar del Primer Hijo”

(Fantasy) The first cantar (Cantar I - Fanfare of the Son) (Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3) from the greater work of “Cantar del Primer Hijo," the poet describes the arrival and swift departure of the First Son, the long lost mythical heir to the seat of El Tor. He gathered together a group of ten volunteers which later become known as the Ten Saints and set out into the wilderness with them with a goal of reconquering the land from the monsters that rule over it.

(Fantasy) Munos – The Half-Sunken City

(Fantasy) In the southwestern part of Caelon, in Warathi-controlled country, on the peninsula west of the Holy City of Denegaz known as God's Grip, there lies a coastal town named Munoz. Like many of the cities on Caelon, Munoz was built upon the foundation of a great ancient city. However, due to erosion over the centuries, much of the original city now lies in ruins underwater, lost to the unending flow of time.