How Scrum’s Sprint Cycle is like the Hero’s Journey

Scrum, the popular Agile framework widely used in software development, follows a life cycle that is by nature satisfying to work through because of its structure. If you're wondering why it's more satisfying than other pure frameworks for project management, it's because you have been trained from childhood to love a good story. The Sprint cycle, the time-boxed period during which the team works to deliver a potentially releasable product increment, follows a similar structure to one of the most satisfying literary frameworks - the hero's journey.

History of the Saibhrean Isles – Part I

map of the Saibhrean Isles

There are no kings in the Saibhrean Isles, an archipelago of islands situated off the Northwest coast of Caelon. The islands, ancestral home of the ancient Daoine Farraige peoples, are today ruled by powerful merchant lords who owe no fealty to any other governing body. The islands are neither a part of the Torian North nor are they aligned with the Warathi Empire. The trade barons of the Saibhrean Isles instead prefer to stay neutral in all conflict of the mainland, gathering riches from trade with both powers. Though the various Houses of the Isles are often lumped in with one another as a singular people by mainlanders, and direct conflict is rare between them, the peoples of the Isles are more disjointed and separate than any other political states on Caelon. However, this was not always the case.

I’m Back

I've returned from my long hiatus. It took me a long time to get my hosting set back up, but I've come back with good news.

First, I freshened up the look of the site. The old one was fine, but I didn't like the way it felt coming back into it. The new look is here to help give the site better direction and a professional look, while still being true to who I am. 

“Tides of Warfare” – Song by the Sea Bard

ern warnings of war to come, soon before the War of the Broken Seal officially commenced. The tone and content of the song was nearly universally panned by audiences when he first began to perform it. Years later, it became one of the most important works of poetry for the era.