Origins of 8 Common Phrases You Won’t Believe

News flash: the English language has never been a pure language. It is the current result of hundreds and hundreds of years of linguistic mishmash; like other languages it draws from a lot of sources and barely even resembles its earlier forms. Needless to say, time travel would not go well for you and me, even if we traveled back to England just several hundreds of years ago. With that in mind, try and understand that words and phrases, even ones that were incorporated into more modern forms of English, can quickly lose their meaning. Below is a list of idioms and other phrases and their real meaning. You won't believe it when you read it.

(Fantasy) Munos – The Half-Sunken City

(Fantasy) In the southwestern part of Caelon, in Warathi-controlled country, on the peninsula west of the Holy City of Denegaz known as God's Grip, there lies a coastal town named Munoz. Like many of the cities on Caelon, Munoz was built upon the foundation of a great ancient city. However, due to erosion over the centuries, much of the original city now lies in ruins underwater, lost to the unending flow of time.

(Video) #TBT – The Bank Vault Episode 2

Sticking Danny in front of a green screen, forcing him out of his comfort zone by taking on a new persona and throwing suggestions for him to rail on, now that was fun. It's just as fun to take the footage and cut it down to new videos after a few hours of recording. It's like a puzzle with a million solutions and you get to decide how it looks in the end. A lot of times you can merge unrelated things and make it even better, as here with the "you're a girl, you understand" bit.

(Fantasy) “Just a Peasant Girl” a Sonnet from the Saibhrean Isles

(Fantasy) Bróccan the Bard, perhaps the most well-known traveling poet in the world, often used his renown to be able to approach subjects in his work that other less-known poets would have had trouble performing due to some of the taboo nature of the subject matter. However, because of his reputation and his charismatic approach to storytelling, Bróccan was often able to broach these subjects with relative impunity from would-be critics.

Four Ways Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout is a Perfect Metaphor for Americans in the Pandemic

Any gamer who plays Fall Guys will be aware of the panic-inducing mayhem that is in store for them during each round. All of us under the oppressive grip of a worldwide pandemic, we naturally can't help but notice some strong similarities between the way the game is played and the world outside. Below are five reasons why Fall Guys makes such a good metaphor for the world in America during the COVID-19 pandemic.