(Fantasy) Local Myths and Legends of Caelon Part 1

All across Caelon and the surrounding areas, there are myths and legends shared by the common people that have taken on a life of their own. Ranging from stories of mysterious caves to legends of people with extraordinary abilities to incredible creatures who lurk just outside the bulwarks of civilization, these myths have captivated the imagination and wonder of the people.


These videos are a lot of fun to do, especially when I'm able to get a lot of friends together to come up with a lot of the ideas for the video. For this one, I thoroughly enjoyed having Danny crank up his depressing-ness for the camera. It was nice having Jeremy and Kathleen in town to do the video as well. If we ever revive Fiesta Studios one day, this series is a definite candidate for a new video.

(Fantasy) Third Excerpt from “Cantar del Primer Hijo”

(Fantasy) In the first and the second excerpts from the famous epic poem "Cantar del Primer Hijo", the poet describes the grand return of El Primer Hijo, or the First Son of El Tor, to the White Walled City. In those excerpts, the poet describes the display of several of the ancient gifts that the great men of the bygone age that the figure of the First Son possessed, and then laments on the fact that he was not there simply to rule as their king. Instead, he calls upon brave warriors to come with him to help him on his quest to vanquish the monsters of the land. This excerpt describes the Ten Saints, the group of seven men, two boys and one woman who bravely volunteered to depart the safety of their home to follow him.

3 Practical Reasons We are Living in a Computer Simulation

Just like in The Matrix (1999), sometimes things we see just don't add up to what we consider the real world. There are certain patterns in our world that seem less like a random sequence of events that we would expect life to be, and more like the work of a software developer struggling against a hard deadline. While others far more intelligent than this writer have covered the topic of simulation theory extensively, the focus of this article is to point out similarities in our lives which seem eerily similar to video games.

(Fantasy) What Secrets Lie Within the Sealed Sanctum?

(Fantasy) The Sealed Sanctum of the White Walled City (or Denegaz, as the current Warathi residents call the city), is perhaps one of the most debated objects of speculation and mystery within the World of El Tor. While the Torian scripture found in the First Book describes the Innermost Sanctum of the temple as the Most Sacred Place where only El Tor was allowed to enter in communion with the God of Names, the book does not describe when or why the sanctum was sealed off, since the First Book ends prior to the disappearance of El Tor, its primary author.