
#TBT – “Battle Royale”

Back in the day, I used to be able to get a whole bunch of my friends together all at once to film a video, no matter how stupid the idea was. So many friends who were willing to come over on a Friday night to make a dumb video - now that was a great time. The only other time I have managed to do that is during the 2015 season. Maybe after the time of COVID-19 is over, we will need to have a bit of a resurgence.

(Fantasy) Clerical Conversations (Seventh Letter)

Below is the latest in a series of letters written between two contemporary poets who are openly critical of one another's work - Professor Cesario de Torium and Professor Recamundus de Gelgadongo. Most recently, Prof. Cesario defended a poem which Prof. Recamundus claimed lacked any kind of meaningful subtext or artistic merit.

5 Major Hints That You Are the Star of Your Very Own Truman Show

Okay, let's just come out and say it, once and for: you caught us. There, happy? We've been watching you for a very long time, and we find your life irresistible to watch, just like in the movie The Truman Show. Every heartbreak, every new romance, every achievement, every failure - we've been right there with you the whole way, and it feels so good to finally be able to openly talk about it.

(Fantasy) Becio – Continental Crossroads

(Fantasy) The city of Becio, situated on the land bridge between northern Caelon and the much larger land of Secessia, serves as a sort of cross-roads for any trade and travel between the various groups of people in the world. While to the south, Gorzova serves as a port between Caelon and Torium, many of the people who live in the north of Caelon still prefer to utilize Becio's ports for a great number of reasons.

#TBT – Public Service Announcement

So, as mentioned in the video, there was a short period of time during the productive time of making YouTube videos in high school that James got injured and couldn't be a part of any videos. Unfortunately, I can't link all of the videos that followed in that sequence because YouTube decided to kill the audio on two of them. I used copyrighted songs on those videos, and some time after these videos were published and the original footage was lost, they decided to just remove all of the audio from the video. The biggest loss from that was a video called "Friend Auditions" where we auditioned a bunch of our other friends out to replace James in the videos. The winner that Justin and I picked ended up being a shop vac. I'll link the one surviving video next week for that reference.