(Fantasy) Third Excerpt from “Cantar del Primer Hijo”

(Fantasy) In the first and the second excerpts from the famous epic poem "Cantar del Primer Hijo", the poet describes the grand return of El Primer Hijo, or the First Son of El Tor, to the White Walled City. In those excerpts, the poet describes the display of several of the ancient gifts that the great men of the bygone age that the figure of the First Son possessed, and then laments on the fact that he was not there simply to rule as their king. Instead, he calls upon brave warriors to come with him to help him on his quest to vanquish the monsters of the land. This excerpt describes the Ten Saints, the group of seven men, two boys and one woman who bravely volunteered to depart the safety of their home to follow him.

(Fantasy) What Secrets Lie Within the Sealed Sanctum?

(Fantasy) The Sealed Sanctum of the White Walled City (or Denegaz, as the current Warathi residents call the city), is perhaps one of the most debated objects of speculation and mystery within the World of El Tor. While the Torian scripture found in the First Book describes the Innermost Sanctum of the temple as the Most Sacred Place where only El Tor was allowed to enter in communion with the God of Names, the book does not describe when or why the sanctum was sealed off, since the First Book ends prior to the disappearance of El Tor, its primary author.

(Fantasy) Clerical Conversations (Seventh Letter)

Below is the latest in a series of letters written between two contemporary poets who are openly critical of one another's work - Professor Cesario de Torium and Professor Recamundus de Gelgadongo. Most recently, Prof. Cesario defended a poem which Prof. Recamundus claimed lacked any kind of meaningful subtext or artistic merit.

(Fantasy) Becio – Continental Crossroads

(Fantasy) The city of Becio, situated on the land bridge between northern Caelon and the much larger land of Secessia, serves as a sort of cross-roads for any trade and travel between the various groups of people in the world. While to the south, Gorzova serves as a port between Caelon and Torium, many of the people who live in the north of Caelon still prefer to utilize Becio's ports for a great number of reasons.

“Warm Your Cold Arms” a Sonnet from the Saibhrean Isles

There were many factors in the time and setting that likely would have had an effect on Bróccan the Bard's poetry, and not smallest among them was a plague that devastated nearly 20% of the population of the Saibhread Isles, spreading to many cities in Caelon as well, before it ultimately subsided. The toll it took on the people in that day was extraordinary. Statistically speaking, nearly everybody lost someone they loved, and not least among them was Bróccan, who lost an older sister when he was just a child to the disease.